Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Forests

Wildlife Wing

Lothian WLS

Lothian Island Wildlife Sanctuary The island, having an area of 38 was notified(final notification) as Sanctuary vide Notification No.5392-For, dt.28.06.1976. It is a part of deltaic Sunderbans which harbour a tropical estuarine swamp forest.

The tropical estuarine swamp forest consists of mangrove vegetation. Principal tree species are Keora, Baen, Goran etc. The vegetation provides a dense cover throughout the habitat. Along the edge of the rivers there are grassy patches.

The animals found are Chital, Wild Pigs and Rhesus monkey. Jungle Cats are sighted occasionally. Birds are numerous including the migrants that visit the Sanctuary in winter. The marshes of the island harbour estuarine Crocodile.

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