Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Forests

Wildlife Wing

Eco-Tourism : Do's & Don'ts


Appreciate the colours and sounds of nature.

Treat the Protected Area/wilderness area with respect.

Dress in colours that blend with the natural environment.

Observe the sanctity of holy sites, respect local customs.

Keep a reasonable distance from wild animals, and do not provoke them.

Do not light fires, or smoke inside protected areas. Accidental forest fires cause irreparable damage. Camp fire, camping etc are not allowed.

No entry after sunset and before sunrise is permitted in the Protected Area. Night driving is strictly prohibited in the Protected Area.

Entry in the sanctum sanctorum (Core area) of the Protected Area and movement outside tourist zone is prohibited.

Playing of transistors, tape-recorders, stereos and bringing in pets are not permitted in the Protected Area. Shouting, loud singing, making noise, teasing or chasing of animals are prohibited.

Carrying of guns, fire arms, weapons, bows, arrows and crackers, inflammable materials are strictly prohibited, as per the provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, and is punishable by law.

Cooking in rooms is strictly prohibited.

Carrying packed food and eating it within the Protected Area is strictly prohibited. Carelessly throwing and leaving trash litter, peels of fruits etc is strictly prohibited.

Damage of plant or animal life is strictly prohibited.

Feeding wild animals and captive elephants by tourists are not permitted.

Hunting and fishing are strictly prohibited.

Fast driving (speed more than 20 km. per hour) and blowing of horn inside the Protected Area is strictly prohibited.

Tourists are not allowed to move out of the lodge complex on foot.

Use of flash light for photography of wild animals is not allowed.

Smoking on elephant back is strictly prohibited.

Bathing in the river water is not allowed.

Disorderly conduct, misbehavior and drunken state are not permitted in the Forest Lodge and for any offence in this respect the tourist shall be liable to vacate the lodge.

Heater and other electrical gadgets shall not be used by visitors.

Seeking entry to the tourist lodge without reservation is prohibited.

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