Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Forests

Wildlife Wing

Tiger Census Trend

Census Year Location Total number Remarks
2018 Sundarban Tiger Reserve & 24-Parganas (South) Division 88 Estimation of Tiger, Co-predators & Prey as per procedure prescribed by NTCA
2016-17 Sundarban Tiger Reserve & 24-Parganas (South) Division 87 Estimation of Tiger, Co-predators & Prey as
per procedure prescribed by NTCA during 2016-17
2014 Northern West Bengal 3 Estimation of Tiger, Co-predators & Prey as
per procedure prescribed by NTCA during 2016-17
Year Sundarbans Buxa
2010 70 (as per report of Wildlife Institute of India,
Dehradun's AllIndia Tiger Estimation 2010)
15 (as per Scat analysis report by Aranyak,
Assam & BTR authority)
Year Gorumara Buxa Jaldapara Mahananda Sundarbans Other areas Total
2007 BTR - 12-20; other areas of North Bengal - 8-12
2004 - 27 6 16 274 21 344
2002 - 31 9 15 271 23 349
1999 - 33 12 13 284 23 365
1997 - 32 13 12 263 41 361
1993 - 29 9 12 251 34 335
1992 - 29 5 13 - - -
1989 8 33 7 8 269 36 361
1983 16 15 9 1 264 47 352
1979 7 27 12 10 205 35 296

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